Je suis musicien, auteur & manager. Avec ma demande de Justice exprimée dans « Press Conference » nous verrons que je suis bien victime dans la ville de Rennes d’un « emprisonnement administratif » sous curatelle abusive & menace de « HDT » Psy (hospitalisation à la demande d’un tiers) des plus illégales dans le but de maintenir un système de chantage des plus cruels afin de permettre la poursuite des vols ou pillages de mes œuvres, consulting & stratégies de succès pour des enjeux internationaux, des profits & des montants financiers colossaux sur un marché culturel international de plus de 3000 milliards d’euro chaque année soit environ de 78 000 milliards d’euro & dollars depuis plus de 26 années où je suis victime de ces vols, pillages & violations. Tout cela sous une corruption silencieuse des plus étranges des Tribunaux alors que « la Police » (ou plutôt « sales flics » en ce cas ») semble bien agir dans un sens contraire à toute idée du sens de Justice que demande leur Job. Il s’agit encore d’une forme de « terrorisme » psychologique que je dois endurer depuis plus de 12 années sous la privation & la spoliation de mes revenus sous contrôle illégale de mes comptes bancaires alors que je n’ai jamais été condamné ni commis de malfaisance en France comme dans n’importe quel pays du monde. Je dois encore souffrir d’un « Bug » criminel qui bloque les ventes internationales de mes ouvrages sur le Web depuis 2011 (déjà 40 références book & e-book avec 50 œuvres en attente d’être publiées) que je gère avec ma société « Golden Spring (Provisory)» (une SAS non immatriculée au RCS pour cause de curatelle abusive). Ce « Bug » révoltant me prive donc des importants revenus de mes droits d’auteurs alors que je suis maintenu en exil dans la ville de Rennes en Bretagne où j’ai été déraciné malgré moi depuis 2007 suite à la curatelle abusive dont j’ai été victime.

lundi 23 mai 2016

Magic love (Do your best) Scénario Paris & Rennes (2008-2009-2010)

                                                             '' jolies magic fee's 

                                                         la Trilogie cinéma

                               … Stacey c'était si beau (ça l'est toujours) le sera encore

           '' magic love
                              Do your best
                   Master peace

                             je rêve

                                 we dream love dreams to stay alive

                                         Second Movie Tube's !

                        j'ai regardé les avions passer dans le ciel avec les larmes aux yeux


Emmanuel DIGNAT Emmanuel DIGNAT
(avec ses jolies Chéries & la jolie Daisy de Mc Do !) (With Princess Joy, la jolie Coconut’s and all his pretty Chéries & the lovely “Ô”!)

              The first version was published in his book « 07 milliards love lights ways for easy worlds ! » in  2011 written « in his mind memory » from 2007 to 2010 (and on paper) in the continuity of his book « flying ideas » the part «Magic Love» for a movie or a show was written in the same time of his musical comedy « Planet Joy » just before the «Bang Psy 3» after he was victim of espionage and theft of his works (only master peaces) but we can find now new version of all his book since March 2015 with a new publishing

Golden Spring's Consulting Golden Spring's Consulting
Projectives & Stratégies Culturelles Internationales International Projective & Cultural Strategies
                                                                         Consulting, Creation & PubliConsulting, Creation & Publishing

                                                                           sur honoraires !

                                                          (si pratique aujourd’hui de ne pas payer avec les Computers !)

                                                              all my dreams
                                                                 (our dreams)
                                                              … are still alive
                                                       (and always available)

                                             Spherical movie with love songs
                                                                 (love stories in movie Tube's !)

          The first movie of this trilogy is " Stacey les avions" written by the author when he was drawing " Be for always (always for ever) " (so majestuous master peace) the third movie is " A Part of my life " always love stories with an extraordinary feeling in so difficult situations making born so many hopes in a funny flying...

                                                           (a dream)

             to build « a projective dream » for peace (loves) lights... prosperity (prosperities) as ever for ever loves surviving and live life in better love lights shining ways

                                       so many others feelings too !

                                              « flying ideas »

             … in « Projective » le mot « Projet » aussi ou « Project » (feeling anticipation) projective d'un projet dans « l'avenir » (le temps) en ondes de feelings...

                                         love lights feeling waves for peoples  !

                       « vision » (parfois même on vous traite de « fou »)  fou d'amour qui coure le monde (kanji spherical ideas in move) … pourquoi pas « un rêve ?» vie... vision... voir (a dream) as ever for ever loves … j'ai joué pour elle(s) « la petite babies » on the bass shining light... so love improvisation to forget my sadness… je ne pense pas ici à Rennes en France pouvoir « rencontrer » un financement de 15 ou 20 millions d'euros pour produire ma comédie musicale « Ange & Mélissa » et encore moins 30 ou 60 millions d'euros (ou de dollars) for the so shining Blockbuster « You Sea (notes) »

                             … elle me dit « Tu es un mec génial... »

                 (il faudrait peut-être aussi que d'autres s'en aperçoivent... même si certains le savent très bien et font semblant de ne pas le savoir pour ne pas le payer de ses millions...)

                  surviving and live life in better love lights shining ways

                                               (so many others feelings too)
                           … j'ai regardé les avions passer dans le ciel avec les larmes aux yeux

                                           all my dreams
                                      (our dreams)
                                  … are still alive
                                 (and always available)

                         '' Magic love
                                                  Do your best



                                                                  ACTE I

                                                                Why not a miracle ?

             ... Écoute Chérie « l’hyper intelligence »... (Your star is shining very high) oui mais pour trouver il faut chercher (chercher) réfléchir, trouver (feel your body, feel your heart) ressentir, pressentir, l’intuition, la renaissance, questions, réponses (Big brain !) toujours (alway  for ever !) penser à la vie, être en vie (dimensions de lumières) ondes de lumières, une puissante mémoire…

Big memory !

                         « Always i continue to think, to write in my Mind, always the light revolution is going on… »

« Human’s light Worlds Revival… »

Do things with love
Believe in life
Believe in you
I am happy to make you happy
Be in trust (with love)

                                 « Each day they try to brake my hopes, my wants, my light but they continue to steal my ideas without pay me, each day they attempt to my life, my work… »

                                                                    (his liberty...)

                                    « i am victim of monsters… just a poor Artiste, looking for love and fortunes, expecting to have my freedom again… »

                                                        be millionnary !

                    Change the world in better ! (when all the best begin possible) feel beautiful things, think beautiful ideas (do beautiful things) « always you are in my heart… each second to give me hope, love, light… i love you… »

‘ loves Revolution ‘’
 is going on…

                                                                « je t’aime de toute ma vie »
                                                                    (de tout mon cœur)

                         ... Millions peoples will come from all the Worlds to deliver us (the chance will come) sometimes we do things we don’t know why « i love my Black magic woman » (love light stream) always i continue to write in my minds…

                                         Il pleut averse, des nuages d’or éclairent tout le ciel

                                              « you are my great love»

                       Always i continue to think, writing in my minds, to discover other ways (other lights) other ideas…

                                                  « Avant c’était mieux… »

                          but things can change in better (l’écriture multi- dimentionnelle) everybody make mistakes…

                                      « i have no food, nothing, no money, i’m suffering a lot… »

                           Peoples will come from all the worlds to deliver you

                       Quelques mots qui génèrent des milliards (sauvent des millions de vies)

                          my wife need a baby, a house, my baby needs food, i need the millions from my works !

                                                                  « i love you »

                        Les uns lui ont fait du mal, les autres n’ont rien fait pour l’aider, j’ai aidé les uns et les autres, ils n’ont rien fait pour m’aider vraiment ni l’aider elle… ou si peu…

                                 « Millions peoples will come from all the worlds to save us… soon together… a beautiful mariage with all the world…

Try, try, try…

do it !

                             « Beauties from worlds… it’s a chance you are there… all the world is shining between you and me, all the world is shining with you and me (a great shining love is borning) all around the World with all the Univers (make peoples happy !) believe in love (believe in light) you are there always waiting for me… i will come back

                                                             « To give you a baby… »

            A friend help me to help you, crying in the street, everything is possible (the best too) everything is possible (the love light is there)

                                 « j’ai pleuré, pleuré, pleuré, je pleure, je pleure, je pleure tout le mal qu’ils nous ont fait…

                                                               Hope, hope, hope… hope again
                                                    … always hope, the chance will come…

Be in light !

be in love

                                elle est la plus belle de toutes les étoiles(my life, my right, my freedom) … hope always together…

                           L’écriture du mouvement, l’écriture en mouvement, le mouvement de l’écriture

                    « i am just a dreamer flying among the stars, happy world is possible (love, light, liberty)  my love refugee needs help, i need to be millionnary very soon (to do beautiful light things) the Artiste’s light World, light Univers, for light creativity… »


 is Paradise

                        We will go to Paradise together (océan de larmes, d’amour, de lumière) love, love (love) a beautiful mind…

                                              « j’ai froid, j’ai faim, je pense à toi »

                               Golden love dream (love light dreams) imagine your future (love) gold, light, liberty… when she is happy all the World is happy…

« give light to ideas… »
J’aime regarder le ciel…

love angels

                                    Love is life, all the world is on love, all the world is in light, all the Univers is shining (love) light, liberty, Peace is light, Black magic woman, you are a Giant of love, a giant of light, give light to ideas… (ideas is life too…)

                              Et vous ? Qu’avez-vous fait pour l’aider ? And you ?

                                            What did you do to help her ?

                                               Where are the millions from my works ?
                                                                 Since so many years…

It’s written in the sky
(it’s written in the Time)
it’s my Destiny…

                             When she is happy all the world is happy (give light to ideas) j’aime regarder le ciel (love Angels) flying angels, flying love (flying bisou)

                                                     Toute l’immensité du Monde

                                                   You have a shining star shining for you »
                                                … World is shining 24/24 hours !
                                            Make happy world, make peoples happy !
                                             The most important is life, love, light…
                                                  light gold flying as birds
                                           World’s peoples together can see very far
                                                   (with love light)

                     My life family… they put hopes on my life, on me, on my work (your artistic way) they give me hope, light, courage (they believe in you) she believes in me

                                                            i believe in you


million colors
One millions hopes
One millions bisous

                     Always you are there to save my life, always Beauties are coming from far away, from all the World to give me hope again

                I hear the love stars song shining in my heart (all the sea is crying with my tears)  j’ai rêvé de love, mes belles Amies, j’ai pleuré… (She is in your heart) millions bisou loves for my African Queen (love Queen) shining magic way, love light streams

                          be millionnary, do beautiful things, change the World in better, feel the light in yours

love is light !

                                                 Grand Oiseau de lumière, tomorrow will be better !

                 ... elles sont belles mes Africaines (rêves d’amour) sensualité feeling lumière, éternité, toutes les femmes sont des soleils, sans doute ou surement…

                                                                (may be)

                     All the stars are crying, all the world is crying because they don’t help love and lovers (to be together)elle m’a donné toute sa vie, son amour, sa lumière (soon together nice peoples will help us)

                                                 … The chance will come

                  C’est humain d’avoir envie de vivre avec celle que l’on aime (d’avoir envie de faire l’amour) d’avoir un enfant(e)… il faut aussi gagner de l’argent, se faire payer de son travail pour pouvoir vivre, avoir la possibilité de travailler (ou d’être aidé) et avoir la liberté de choisir

                                                                    ...  la liberté de vivre !

The Sun
is still shining…

                                  I love the World, stand-up… go to the liberty, soon together, the chance will come, a new happiness, hope the chance will come all the sky is shining in gold lights, flying stars, gold in your memory (gold in your heart) … i will save your life (love is light) i am just a cool Artiste looking for love (and fortunes…)

                          La phénoménale puissance de la mémoire vive… certains jouent avec la vie des autres

             … it’s not easy (sometimes we do mistake) nobody is perfect… we can change in better… see all the possibilities in the World

« i am so stupid… »

                            Essayer de « comprendre » l’incompréhensible (enjoy life !) … la folie de « l’élan créatif » (ou la « folie » du créateur) au-delà des choses, des êtres, des normes, des limites… la création, source de renaissance, chaque seconde de la vie est une lumière (le temps est lumière) love gold streams from all the world (love light streams for all the worlds !)

                      I need love, i need my freedom, i need to be millionnary (to do beautiful things) i need to be with my loves, my Beauties, i need to travel all around the Worlds une grande fidélité de cœur  the great light will come to save me, to save love, to save us (l’amour c’est l’amour) i am the most stupid man in this Univers, i am the most stupid man in this World…

                                                 (may be)

En « dehors » du Temps les étoiles, les femmes, l’amour, la lumière, au-delà du temps…

                                      Wake-up, see where you are, feel where you must go…

                                                « everywhere in the world flying ideas… »

                       Ailleurs dans le Monde, quelque part dans le monde, ailleurs dans l’Univers, l’écriture est un sommet de la pensée la pensée un sommet de la lumière…

                 La liberté de penser, la pensée, le feeling, l’intuition, la prescience (l’amour) la liberté d’aimer, la liberté d’expression, la prodigieuse immensité de l’amour des femmes (surtout certaines) et surtout de toutes sans doute… may be…

«  i miss you… »

                               Gold in your mind, gold in your heart, gold in your eyes, who can help us to be together again ?
                 … Together flying in the Sun, together flying in the light (flying in the love) l’amour est un soleil (love is a sunshine)

                                                       Who can help us to be together again ?


                                                         Go to the future !

                   Puissance de l’avenir, l’avenir en puissance, un cœur immense big great love la montée en puissance how to be happy ? une pluie d’étoiles filantes flying stars les synchronisations de lumières the most great love in the world a star is shining in your mind, all the stars milliards stars in the univers are shining in your mind

                                                 la richesse humaine mondiale est extraordinaire…

Think World

feel Worlds !

Remember the futures

                                   A magic woman in Paradise (victimes de maltraitances, victimes de cruautés) how escape to the cruauty ?

              Une effroyable situation de chantage, de manipulations, de cruauté

                                             Who can help us ?

                                        How give light to peoples ?

                  … love give light, remember all the light things, all the beautiful things in your life (all the love in your heart)

        ... de la passion, de grands élans de cœur, de lumières, le cœur est lumière (l’amour est lumière) toutes les convergences de lumières pour la liberté

                           … a free light human world… imagine a new life in better, with more love, more light

                                                             (more freedom)

                          une vitesse de pensée fulgurante, un feeling ultra-lumineux

          Quand elle est heureuse le Monde entier est heureux, au loin la liberté (two stars shining together) light  everywhere, we are able to feel all the world, all the life in the world, all the light in the world !

Magic loves…

                                                All the world is in light, all the world is shining

                                                          is it possible to « understand all ? »

                 A big, big, big memory, Human memory, world memory (human’s world memory) Univers mind’s memory, light memory (love memory) love live memory… all the world is in light, a new life stars give light to peoples all the Univers in your eyes

                                              All the stars are crying because cruauty, violences

                                                                                     « sens »

                    ... le sens, le feeling de la prescience, les manipulations psychologiques, les manipulations mentales, combinaisons de différents minds, feelings du Monde entier (fusion des minds)  ... des talents, des lumières existent dans le Monde entier…

                             be millionnary, change the world in better, search, find the most light idea for the World !

               Love travel around the world, chaque être humain détient une « part de lumière » indispensable à l’évolution du « tout » vers la « Grande Lumière »

                                                               The Great World’s Light !

                                    … feel, hear the light you have inside you, inside your heart, your mind…

See very far…

                       Le métissage, horizon de lumière, source d’amour, de richesses, de paix et de talents un million d’idées à la seconde voyage dans l’éternité, dimensions de l’éternité, au cœur de la renaissance, être capable de lire l’avenir, d’avoir le feeling pour l’avenir, feeling de la prescience

                                                                       (other Worlds)

                  Your star is still shining, very high, all this love in my heart (you are not alone) the Great Light is with us… love light… be happy, learn to be happy feel think to be happy make peoples happy happiness, love, light, feelings

                                                                          do beautiful things…

                            Un immense bisou de lumière, lignes stratégiques de lumière, lumière de l’éternité (éternité de lumière) sphère stratégique de lumière…

                                                                            open your eyes

                                                            « Don’t you hear my love for yo? »

                         … l’harmonie des minds (harmonics minds) harmonics powers, learn to be together immense soleil de cœur à cœur…

                                                                Who can save us ?

            … elle rêve d’un petit bébé(e) she dreams a little Bayb girl reconstruire sa vie, recommencer sa vie ailleurs, réaliser ses projets ailleurs ailleurs dans le Monde… le bon feeling pour créer, réaliser une œuvre… partout dans le monde s’allument des petites lumières qu’ils ne voient pas

                                                    l’amour ils ne savent pas ce que c’est ?

                               … des idées qui valent des millions, qui rapportent des milliards, génèrent des milliards de milliards… love the world… all the world is shining for you, tout existe toujours…

« together »

                          la transmission de pensée dimension affective globale immense courage, l’immense énergie, l’immense force de vie des populations du Monde, une immense espérance de lumière d’amour rechercher, développer les talents dans tous les domaines du monde entier...

                                                    Quelques mots une idée peuvent changer le monde…

« i love you i want a Baby i need money… »

                             ... immense lumière qui fusionne le Monde entier, se laisser emporter par l’amour, penser (rêver) créer, imaginer...

                                       free to choose free to think free to travel free to love

                                                  … a gold love stream  a shining world !

              je ne vis que dans l’espoir de la revoir you must find the light way, think better, be lightness ... écoute ton cœur…

                                                          feel the world, love the world, save the world…

Mega mix

 world’s peoples

                                                                   « i will make you happy »

                            une vie riche d’émotions (de sensations) de sentiments, rencontres, découvertes (d’amour) de confiance, d’émerveillements, lumières, espérances (voyages) sensibilités, riche d’expressions, de créativité, de feelings

Big Idea !

                     Trouver une idée intelligente qui rapporte beaucoup d’argent idée lumineuse une idée géniale, une idée rare, originale « l’idée lumière » idée de génie (écoute ton cœur) des millions et des millions, regarde les étoiles, idées, concepts...

                                                     You are my shining star
                                                                   it’s possible

                          … évidence (révélation) nouveauté, découvrir, chercher la lumière, la lumière intérieure…


 futures !

                     She is watching Africa movie, marvelous love’s dreams dreaming two Babies on light (flying far away among love) all in gold colors, Angels around from everywhere come singing love songs, golden roses tout l’horizon s’éclaire d’amour  on light Babies flying love

                                                                      je pleure

                                                                          en Fa mineur

                           Don’t be sad, listen this music Africa music you hear now voices harmonies so beautiful this song too, hear from far away coming …

                She sings so beautiful, all heart on love de tout son cœur loving love love, love

          come, i dance for you flying planets rolling on space, beautiful Baby girl smiling rose butterfly so charming on her head

              do bisou butterfly

                    i play music melodies shining colors light candels we do movie son regard everywhere so beautiful eyes, move away all stars, millions stars shining

                                                                             « i love you »

                             elle est là depuis toujours love silence on phone (heart to heart) immensities… three years, long years, three months far to you (love silence) just three words flying all around three worlds together shining « i love you » music love always elle est là depuis toujours love Paradise so beautiful, beautiful woman on love dreams Baby love flying on loves yes say only yes, i love you yes bisou butterfly, love always flying (flying far away) say yes only yes on love waves…

                                                                      mélodies en Mi bémol

               All bisou all is important, everywhere on all times, Coconuts, Bananas enjoy loves feeling funny fun colors dreams as pink floyd flying on loves golden clouds elle aime la liberté yes flying, flying far away yes oui i’m pregnant on love loves always bisou d’amour l’embrasser encore, s’envoler avec elles

                                                                                  (loin d’ici)

                                                                            ... ne plus jamais revenir

                                                                         flying to Paradise…

                     So great Journalistes reporting news around the world (yellow golden roses flying colors) sun light, love trees, green to green, if mistakes change in better, look how many lifes, how many milliards, golden minds, short memories, forget to pay my works, millions (millions) since so long times asking for Justice far to you si tu savais mon chagrin, loin de toi i’m so shy bisou just want a love life peace please peace around

                                      men understand nothing at nothing

                     … i’m so stupid (listen women) shining love’s lights immensities !

                                                   e = 2mA
                                                    i love you…

                                « I am at Château Rouge in a shop !»

                      magic colors (looking for something) so good time i cry, one million times bien plus heureux, heureuses together on love in love love light’s hopes for tomorrow tell me, one day the world ?

                                                               où chante une rivière

                             … sweet song since so long time happy hopes, we dream (dream babies) elle est jolie falling in love flying love we work, work, twelve hours a day, years to years dreaming hopes, music love writings enjoy feelings, always she is there on worlds shining world’s…


                          … happy hopes successful love light ways (let’s go) one day the world ?

                                                               où chante une rivière…

           elle est seule dans un train de banlieue sous la pluie all lights shining around raining love « bonjour » she dreams baby love

                                                          (baby light dreaming Africa…)

        Elles sont belles ces photos (life’s magic pictures) love emotions flying always around times family house in Africa brother playing guitare beautiful mother mom us, feeling for ever on light, all peoples on love in colors singing beautiful …

                                                       elle est belle

                                           millions, millions bisous love for you

                      black is light color, all color in one, as space light immensities funny fashion you want a coffee ? yes all the stars shining in all the sky everywhere, you are Divinities

                                                                                     i love you

                                                                                         love love you…

Gamme de Do mineur
 (en mode Lydien)

                   Magic mix blood i have (Spanish too) from all world’s peoples i received (he was born again) saving my life, my heart is African on loves moving elle m’a sauvé la vie always there chaque seconde…

                                               … un enfant abandonné regarde les étoiles
                                                                   (shining star)

                         she comes from love’s light ways, love saving light space, wonderful magic woman, moon is shining for you, soon baby love (all peoples on love) moon moving beautiful colors

                                                        « i love you »
                                                   (so mysterious magic love )
                                                     What is your name ?

                      … don’t resist to the love’s temptation… be happy… do it… if you have choice take the two, or the three (enjoy life) good choice for everybody everywhere (come i’m crazy of you)i’m a crazy lover always on love with you…
                                                       (hoop’s !)

                  Some peoples likes me (other not) but i have hundred, hundred millions friends all around the world, probably several milliards (may be seven) i would like everybody happy everywhere (you too) i look my magic world’s map (dreaming love travel)

                                          i cry

                   Body language (beautiful flying love) love ocean regards moving on love’s waves (amour d’une seconde) all in light on all the space, funny body life « i love you » love space ocean flying bisou love on magic way, she is learning me (how dancing together) come honey come enjoy on time (let’s dance hope) hope (hopes) i love you (hoop’s !)

                                                    « i am hungry »

                 good news are going on… allo bonjour, ça va (bisou) always i’m worry for her hopes but this day she have something to eat (good news) good ideas (invite your friends) do a good diner, talking together to have good ideas dreaming another world love light world’s peoples but some other day it was not like this

                                                       i am hungry
                                                    Where are you ?
                                                Tu as dîné ?
                                               … yes
                                           She is happy for me
                                                Et toi ?
                                              i will do my diner later

                      … she said to don’t tell me she have nothing to eat, so far to me… i would like to cry peoples around are crying too good news are going on flying fast i continue to search money, soon love together dreaming…

                                                                   To be millionnary !

                                    Gold light spring i say what i think, peoples, love (my love) love light spring ocean for humanity, milliards lights light’s milliards shining (milliards de lumières) how much we were happy before, we didn’t know, it’s now i can tell that, courage together, women’s rights, light ways

                         je ne sais pas pourquoi, j’ai envie de pleurer, amoureux (amoureuse) amoureux d’une amoureuse

                                                             (on love together)

             … elles sont belles mes Africaines always lights hopes waves are arriving (all in light everywhere) love flying on money space, i love you (bisou)

                                                        l’un ou l’une Lune n’empêche pas l’autre
                                                                      Together on the moon
                                                                             baby love
                                                                              baby Lune…

Variations fortissimo
 (en La majeur)

                  J’ai enduré j’endure encore tant de souffrances injustice’s suffering c’est confidentiel top secret angels

        i’m still alive, you are there, you can’t imagine how much i’m sad, far to my love beautiful African peoples elle est tellement heureuse de venir me voir so long times together again, crying on my heart on life alive singing so beautiful, she have a so beautiful shining voice

                                                                     Singing love song

                                                                  « Please i’m busy »

                                i call her two three times a day… thanks for calling me elle me dit tout au loin d’une toute petite voix toute amourwhy are you calling me at this time ? i am at work bisou bisou encore i call her three times or seven, ten times a day hoping always good news today

                                                           i’am eating, yes

                     What a price for food, so great courage, light for you, today i’m happy, she talks two minutes on phone with me this day, each day, other day since three years two months, twenty seven days all my life with you, soon together we will be happy again, dreaming bisou love, little baby girl drawing on the sand, beautiful sunshine « i love you », i love you too you i love

                                      … it will snow, snow (snowing Moon) on kilimandjaro

                                                  What about human respect ?

                 All the day they make troubles, loser attitudes (playing with our life) because they lost… what about my freedom one euro seventeen cents in my pocket, i say what i think, millions hundred milliards millions they lost, playing with our life, lost much more, sun on light raining

                                  larmes de soleil crying sun soleil en larmes peoples are waiting for freedom

                                                        here i don’t know if i will be alive tomorrow !

                         i feel so lonely, always manipulations around, attempts to my freedom, i feel so lonely in this city, dreaming peace elle est si triste so far to me i love you Africa Queen light appears again, don’t worry beaucoup bisou from far away i will arrange everything toujours bisou dreaming love, light appears again on love always together

                                      Allo the World, allo everybody, do you have money for me ?

                       … everybody knows how much we are suffering (each day) i hope somebody come to help me

              ici les oiseaux ne chantent pas le matin all i want c’est la revoir, être avec elle, l’embrasser encore, loin d’ici, je pense à toi toute la journée all the day, all the day, all the day Champs Elysées flots de chagrin, en larmes Château Rouge, Paris they kill me elle m’appelle tout au loin cri de détresse solitude, injustice, solitudes so great love together bisou de lumière, chaque seconde merveille de vie

                                                           Where are you ?
                                          … on the Moon, don’t worry, i love you

                          I try to search money, it’s not easy, it’s a job, it’s not my job, i’m Artiste, you too, hundred (hundred) hundred millions, milliards peoples everywhere chaque jour doing beautiful things each day to change the world in better, you like this (enjoy) light talented love waves (it’s time !) how we say « blé » my love ?

                                                                               «Weath  »

               go away travel in the world, to see peoples, show your movies moving painting stars, all colors, light books on music, so artistic love light feeling, be ready to go yes now, everybody is waiting for you there, together Africa Queen beaucoup bisou bisou loves imagine on loves imagine things will change in better, moving more fast than you can imagine

                                                          Beaucoup bisou  !
                                                           … You like this me too
                                                              (me too)
                                                           … let’s enjoy together !

                        All is green with blue light sea, i continue to search money for you (toujours je lui fais croire que tout va bien) always i discover other ways light ways to win millions, milliards millions but always it’s so difficult to have 5 euro in my pocket yes i’m still there always alive for you, with you (love light’s colors) she is writing with me, always in my heart you are writers hope, all is green (blue love light) Africa Queen i hear love songs in your eyes

                                                       you are Divinities

                                                     Can we have Peace here ?

                     encore je lui fais croire que tout va bien, elle dort avec moi toujours dans mes rêves

                   There is space in this world, now it’s you talking with freedom, money loves possibilities, i can do better work (so fast better so light ideas) i need a better situation, somewhere else, it’s my life, it’s my right, you like to make love, it’s good to stay young (enjoy) now it’s you talking (learning love) crazy in a love way

                                               yes « i’m pregnant »

                                  love my love elle m’a sauvé la vie
                                   i will come each month to see you…
                        Three years !… elle dort avec moi, toujours dans mes rêves
                                            i love you

                                                     « I’m dreaming love »

                     … Wellcome well foreigners, golden dreams, peoples travel on light ways discovering the world (to be in light)

                                         elle aime les voyages

                          it’s important women can tell what they want, they need what they dreamle plus beau de tous les bisou… elle éclaire all the world de toute sa lumière

                                                         i’m dreaming love, come

                      Beautiful baby love flying clouds on soft sunshine, light appears love happy, little baby light (sur son cœur) sweet tears rolling (son visage) everywhere around on love light (danser avec toi) t’embrasser encore (bisou) plus fort i love you everywhere around on love light, sweet tears rolling i love you

                                                   … little baby light, it’s raining money

                                                               i feel lonely

                        Sweet sweet song belles Amies i give you sweets…
                                    « do you have two euro for me ? »

                ... Petit pipi dans le caniveau (Moon is shining for you) je les entends, elles sont là toutes là ce soir sous les étoiles (sweet song) sweet Princess dancing, playing music together all the street in light for you (shining stars) always in my heart

                              souvent j’ai pleuré
                                         us too
                                      your hopes are mines

                              (Love sensualities) make love with love (beaucoup bisou) woman’s love colors dreams, warm desire, i feel your love (ocean light) light love passion waves on love, my love African shining love, i love you, together light concert it’s beautiful, she is so happy just near me (flying music) golden melodies rolling in space

                                                      magic Bass master player !

                     … stars harmonies jumping live, she is so happy, shining ways for colors Time, together on love always love flying on music’s melodies, i love you (love revolution is going on) for a love world’s emotion!

en MifaSolà

                  A gold wind for liberty tout l’horizon s’éclaire d’amour master Time dance de la pluie (dance du soleil) love’s dance she is so talented elle a un feeling (feeling love) feeling light, beautiful languages, everywhere in the world, it’s nice to learn a new language, job (money) possibilities, love light liberty for everybody

                               Avancer (avancer) toujours encore avancer (même les yeux en larmes) i love you, she works a lot doing a difficult job, so difficult to have money (just eat a little) elle envoie un peu d’argent à sa Mum en Afrique, all this love, this courage for her family, Sun appears among the clouds, a new life somewhere else

                                                                              it’s time we go

                      Three years, two months in this city i don’t like (contre son gré) three years, two months  je t’attends, (waiting for help) waiting for money, they continue to lost so late in their minds, hundred (hundred) thousands milliards, peoples are crying…

               I wake-up je pense à toi, chaque jour est si difficile à vivre in this city so far to you je pense à ton courage

                                                  « i’m thinking to much in my head… »
                                                 because you are worried
                                                 « how to pay my rents ?… it’s so expensive»

           … don’t worry, everything is all right in you, it’s because there is problems around, go outside, breath, see friends, talk to friends, i do my best for you, we will resolve all the problems, think beautiful thing (baby love) i’m happy to hear you i love you me too i love you, always stars shining for you, milliards (milliards stars) i’m here always, always bisou

                                          … how to be together again, happy as before ?

                                                                            i love you

           Tout va bien, tout est arrangé continue to work for free (alors que rien n’est arrangé) they survey me all the time, they spy my work, where is my freedom ?

                                                           ...  i want the millions from my works !

                          ... j’aurais vraiment aimé ne pas venir ici, depuis que je suis là je n’ai plus qu’une envie, c’est d’en repartir, des mois, des mois, des années d’usure

                 Here peoples don’t help you, it’s not a good place (Paris bird’s song) music belles Amies all this happiness in my heart, here i don’t exist, they attempt to my life, they kill me…

                                                     courage love together

                        Voix de lumières (light voices, light ways) s’appellent all around the world !

          … i worked a lot since so long time, a great light work to change the world in better, generate milliards (saving millions life) so i want my millions, i want my freedom to be with my loves, everybody can understand that !

                                                 Two life to save

                     … You don’t see but i’m crying, tears rolling on my heart

          World is changing in better because you are there African magic woman (my love) dreaming with you so love light waves voix de lumières (light voices, light ways) s’appellent all around the univers when you are happy, you make me happy… (i am happy, to make you happy) i will continue to write beautiful things

                                                                          (for you)

                             … When i will have chance other peoples will have chance too, i will continue to write beautiful things, two life to save (love) rolling tears on the world

                  All the poetry i write (musics) songs i compose for you, it’s a chance you are there, always in my mind (en mon Coeur love refugees) how to save love messenger ?

                            everything will be better in a soon time Moon love !

                  Elle prépare un bon café, je dors encore, si j’avais su j’aurais quitté ce pays il y a bien des années, ce que j’ai voulu faire (they arrested him !) ils m’ont déraciné, je suis épuisé de cette situation, souffrance d’injustice, toujours je t’attends

                                                             magic love

        … since i know you i want to be with you, still waiting for my millions elle prépare un bon café, je dors encore (flying loves on moving day…)

                                  Hope, don’t worry, we will be millionnary, what can i do for you ?

                                           (four, five, six, seven hundred millions books)
                                                … or seven milliards if you want

             Always psychological violence against me, they continue to hurt me, in the street, at my door, spying my home, my work (always the courage to exist) elle vient me voir, on marche sous la pluie (pluie d’amour) tous les deux main dans la main bisou she saved my life, i love you, come soon for a nice travel somewhere else (easy fly) easy plane, always world’s Beauties (magic papers)

                                                               je suis là toujours

                  … toujours avec toi en mon cœur (baiser d’amour Champs Elysées) we take a Taxi in the night all in light, love passion (colors dreams) the most beautiful kiss in my life, lovely love (sensual man on sensitive light ways) love ways with you for ever feeling

                                                        (talented time)

                           Bad climate around, they disturbing my life (Pays sans Justice, abus de pouvoirs) bad influences (the courage to write) under attempts to author’s liberty

                                  elle est seule abandonnée chaque jour elle attends que je revienne, si tu savais mon chagrin loin de toi

                     love, please i’m tired, how escape together in a love light way, sometimes sentiments change as weather, i cry, i love (i cry) i love i hope (men are stupid) women brightness shining stars…

                        … elle vient trouver refuge, dans un coin de la cuisine heureuse d’être ensemble she cooks Africa food (magic moment together in light) Tilapia, iam, powder iam piments i like spinash, wine, all this in the same time listening good music (lover’s diner with candel light) she is so pretty lumière d’or all the hopes she gives to me, beautiful colors enjoy love’s dreams (s’envoler avec toi) far away, each second falling in love

Second mouvement allegro
(en mode Aéolien)

                        She is sad, alone in a building, she needs money épuisée de travail  She have a cold, needs tablets, food (love) she dreams to be with me, waiting for help for her friends, alone in a little room

                                                « all my body is peiny me… »

                           … i need shoes comment être heureux when she is so sad, so far, in a so difficult situation ?

                                                          « how to pay my rent ?»

                                               … « do you have money for me ? »

                … Always it’s possible to do beautiful things, soon my Royalties together i write for you money is coming from the sky you are my light…

                                                          elle me dit toute triste

                                    « i lost my job… because they are late to renew my papers… »

               She was so proud to work elle me dit triste d’injustice she run, run, run, place to place, trying to have allowance (it’s a right) but she needs her papers survivor again rainures de chagrin marquent mon visage how escape to the cruauty ?

      i continue to write in my mind other loves light ways je pense à toi i hope you have something to eat larmes coulent sur mes joues i would like to be with you…

                                                                              « What is this ? »

                          Six thousand calls in three years, crazy in a good way, light way to escape !

                                                                    come i love you

                      Look the sky very far, dreamer i’m young, piloting a plane (enjoy) s’envoler très haut (very far) avec toi, discover other light world, way to liberty African Queen, dreaming music, writing love songs… hopes to be millionnary !

                                            yes, dreams begin to be real !

                                                                          (magic ways)

                                                                  Victims under pressures

                                                              « i will miss you »
                                                             i will miss you too
                                                           bisou i love you
                                                  … come back later

                      She is cooking Tilapia avec amour i call waiting for her, in love, she doesn’t have a bus, look at the sky, i would like to be with you in this plane, far to this city elle est si jolie dreamer she is going at school learning french words (so happy little draws) colors, she knows the words, pleasure to learn together, enjoy language you like word’s music two, three, four create a new one dreams begin to be real magic ways, always in love with you…

          Bisou before making love, when you will come (love passion) making love light, we will have a baby, beautiful baby love, everywhere flowers in worlds, i love you

                                                               elle a tellement souffert dans sa vie
                                                                ... me too

                                                   On se comprends sans même se parler toujours immense lumière
                                                                      (in you)
                                                              in me
                                                        Immense son amour

                                                       « smile, i’m happy »

                                            Planet Amour is round as a woman in love

                                                                            Da capo
                                                                           (en Sol dièse)

             Désespéré, i don’t know what to do, where to go, to be with you, to have my millions, all is crying in me, just hear your love (your light in my heart) dreaming another home, love tenderness

                                     Parler avec son cœur, écrire l’avenir, larmes du ciel pleurent d’injustice

                             … How escape to the cruauty ? How to have my freedom ?

                                                  Where are you ?

                                         They kill me… where are my friends ?

                     I feel so lonely… combien de millions, millions de vies, encore à sauver… i just hear your love, your light in my heart, let’s dream another world

                                                   (on the Moon if you want…)

                     Who spy my home ? my works, since so long times ? Who ?

    … my secrets cost millions milliards fast ideas in my mind, love light’s feelings écriture poétique (strategic synthesis) they still not pay my works, so they lost big money on other ways (they are stupid) … women are good messengers…

                          message for you, you are millionnary !
                                … soon together, i love you

                          She is working at Hôtel cleaning rooms, rooms, rooms « moi fatiguée » just surviving, in love with me, with you « Hi ! » always hopes together all the day, each second bisou great love all around the world, we are suffering, happy hopes in our hearts believe in love working, surviving, dreaming to be together soon, all the stars are shining very high in the sky « i love you » so great courage always, sometimes she didn’t eat, i send her little money, sometimes she cries far to me

                                     ... un jour sans elle, infinie tristesse, immense chagrin

                                                             ... i would like to die !
                                                                    « stay alive »

                                                     go to Airport  i fly to you

            Je pars demain elle a pleuré sans rien dire larmes de lumière inside yours hopes all is still possible

                                              « i will come each month, don’t be sad… »
                                          i wanted to stay in Paris, to be with you

                         l’Avenue toute éclairée golden trees tout les deux toujours hope always l’espoir de revenir bientôt, elle dessine un joli dessin love (a letter) i love you dans mon Journal i write

                                                         Océan de chagrin

        I am worried, calling her ten times a day, she is waiting for her papers for a job world’s color cities harmonics ways gold springs, i miss you, sky is crying soon love together moving your voice is beautiful, i like to hear you singing love songs tout le ciel en pleurs « i ask for refugee » journées épuisantes waiting for to be saved, i stay alive only for you
                                            … save lights, save our souls

                                                             « i am at the street’s market ! »

               feeling fruity colors light friends, i will cry when i will see you tout au loin je pense à toi light writings love dreams gold ocean escape i just want to be with you tout ce bonheur en mon coeur be ready to go always for you some little games of millionnary Las Vegas asking for chance quelques larmes d’espoir together so lovely charming gold streams (love ideas) for you i will go on the Moon playing music always with you new worlds tomorrow amour

                                                       Woman’s dreams do miracles…

                                          By the window i see lot of planes flying, i say

                                                                   « hello »

                    We were so happy in Paris, it was not easy but we were happy in light i was waiting for you, until the morning, when i go outside, i put a little word on the door petit mot d’amour

                                                          love, i come back in Ten minutes bisou

             … sometimes you ring me (open the door) you are there great happiness magic world you cook Africa food, so great love together just to be together in love dreaming light ways, you are crazy as me, it’s a chance, peoples need food, we travel around the world together in love


                                                 She needs little money to do her hair apparition in sunrise

                                                   « don’t worry i will have… i must see somebody… »

                   still waiting for the millions from my work, i will tell you later… so sad i come back lonely, peoples do the same job as mine win millions since so long times you, Champs Elysées, movies books musics, alone under rain, un homme blessé le cœur en sang

                                             Two hundred thirty one thousand six hundred millions seconds !

                                                      plus before

                 … far to you my love you say you will come soon i hope, my home is your home, j’écoute mon cœur, je pense à toi, thinking beautiful, you make me dreaming… don’t cry always light in yours, life is a chance

                                                      life is chance

                                      We wake-up in the same Time tu m’aimes toujours ?

                          Hope this day together you are my light how escape to this city ?

                 Escape to be with you in a Human world i feel your love always shining in my heart, everywhere light rain, gold rain following love

                                                                                « feel a free world »



                     Movements in the sky beautiful colors my love need a baby, we need a nice house, i need the millions from my work… look at the sky… extraordinary, talking to immensities, other writings from futures coming in my mind, three years je l’attends each day, each second

                                        Two hundred thirty one six hundred (millions seconds) suffering in lifeplus beforecomment douter une seule seconde de son amour

                … look at the sky, talking to immensities, movements from colors, i would like to cry, she will give me a beautiful baby love, always immensities enjoy baby love from colors melodies

              Love clouds flying, i would like to be with you nuages d’amour music for baby time les yeux plein de larmes, je pense à toi, cœur chagrin crying among the stars they hurted me, just a cool Artiste storm in my heart je pleure dans tes bras

                  i continue the painting for the love light world arriving in the secret of my memories, golden mind, poetic emotion with you always Artistes from all the worlds let’s play together loves light waves cri d’amour far away Paradise

                                             Where are you at this time ?

                             encore je pleure sur ton cœur, comment te dire toujours i love you

                      Survivor to be with you, working (working) working all the time, all the day (all the night) searching love light ways, i love you, listen to me, this book is a nice world’s love song, i read it together reading for you under stars, feeling a beautiful one, world’s life light life’s crys everything you want free to go where you want i want you my love love colors travel around the world all Arts in light emotions (searching love ways) love waves Time’s for light Artistes masters running Times everywhere in light

                                               (for human’s peoples in love)

           Je voudrais m’endormir dans tes bras (dormir sur ton cœur) chagrin, avec toi (flying) following the love way to Paradise, i forget to give you bisou, you saved my life, three years i didn’t speak, just with you in my heart…

              She is sleeping just near me elle dort tout à côté de moi, je la regarde, elle est si belle rêve du ciel feeling love (love melodie) écouter l’amour baby Lune great tenderness on moon light’s world… dreams are playing searching love time, fast world around love space, writing in the gold love book love sentiments elle me regarde, dreams playing baby Lune, searching love’s time ways, i fly with you love always love i love you

                                                        (babies need a love worlds)

                       Love sea, futur de l’avenir, avenir du futur l’amour de l’avenir my love, my Destiny, l’avenir du futur, my life, my choice, my liberty amour de l’avenir love light’s ways enjoy life !

                                                           Chaque jour ici est une grande souffrance

                    … each day i ask help, i ask peoples to deliver us, here i’m not happy, i don’t like this city far to my love my destiny, elle ne sait pas tout le mal qu’ils me font, they broke my life, they don’t pay my work, my millions, always je l’attends, je pense à elle dreaming love dreaming music i cry a lot yes it’s a chance you are there, you save my life, i love you

                                                                   feel freedom in yours
                                                                                     Do mineur

                  California shining stars, a long travel to survive, great emotion secret angels love light funny ways, magic Girls love always searching light in my mind, somewhere in space Pacific ocean sweet song

                                                                        bisou, je m’envole

                       … tears rolling far away, look at the sky, love is making-up painting colors love ocean in your eyes, you are beautiful, everywhere free to travel, everywhere in the world
                                                                                (everywhere with you)

                                                                      I ask for Justice


                                                     « where are my millions, my milliards ? »

   … Time for negociation is arriving… it’s better for everybody… « peoples, stand-up ! »… be ready to fight !


                                        (or fight)

                  I just feel light « i love you » love world’s light, love desire, lovely friends amours silencieux avec de belles inconnues fast world around love space, light dreams rêves de lumières let’s play together magic music singing for you, wind spring love, crazy, crazy d’amour nice girls on lime light street so happy before

                                                                 i would like to hear the rain…

          Je ne sais pas pourquoi, je l’aime si fort hope light soon together again, flowers bisou Africa for life… world’s Beauties for ever

                                       The Absolute Genius from all the Times, on all the Times
                                               « be crazy… »
                           Tu vois cet océan… je suis le « fou » qui chante « i love you »

                Soupirs un peu Blues emporté par un Tramway la nuit in the silence the millions from my works, palpitations, rencontres amoureuses aux pieds des buildings danse frimousse d’une bande de filles dragueuses jusqu’au bout de ses forces courir dans la ville on the sunrise patinage liquide en Bip rollers searching lights rêveries d’échos au clair de Lune sur un parking for you, sometimes birds crying, always ... pensées intimistes en regardant les Ovnis au ciel couchant Uhuru Kilimandjaro torrent d’amour dans un champs d’immeubles éclairés par la Lune, cœur brûlant sous la pluie

                                                                     always i love you

               A lovely woman in the bus, movements in numeric Cities, speed games, revelations, trying to survive

                                                      « i didn’t eat since this morning »

              70 cents, ask for her, chanson d’amour, jour du Monde, she comes, so World’s day lover’s romance in a garden rivières de soleil magic Girls, magic loves, lights dancing on warm sea, sweet Princess, music in your eyes baby space still alive with you grand amour milliards friends around the world together believe in futures (love inspiration) destiny

                                         les possibilités de mener à bien son Destin
                                                           Peace !

                                             évoluer vers une culture de la paix...

                                                      destiny love, light, liberty

                                           « Please can you help my love ? »

                      i will help you too… things will be soon better… 07 milliards lovesloves light ways… for easy worlds…

                  Journal du jour petits mots d’amour Soleil d’Afrique un jour où tout recommence où chante une rivière soleil levant, all for love lovers in love sentimental storm on moon light, where is my freedom ?

                                                                  elle soleil… how we say « aimer ? »

« i try to do
my best for you… »

               Himalaya, amour de neige, nuages de plumes, une femme nuée d’étoiles doux baiser âmes en vagues de cœurs océan, wind flowers on Mars talk to angels cristal de cœurs en éclats s’envole, dans la douceur de ses yeux tristes s’ouvre à nouveau l’éternité murmures de fleurs sous une pluie aux mille lumières

                                                          long love always in heart, i love you…

                              Tout ce que je ne dis pas… et que j’aimerais pourtant dire… dire en musici love youbis… encore… un enfant abandonné regarde les étoiles always hope love exist again gold Girlfriend i fly to you discovering the worlds, don’t cry come on my heart divine amour be bisou

                     Sky today, see the futures, a light for humanity magic moment pensées d’amour playing for my Girlfriend, two lights on stage (lights speaking)Tu vois cet océan… sometimes it’s not easy soleil de larmes amoureuses sun ways i want to be with you

                                                                 ce soir sous les étoiles

                   Space honeymoon, dreams playing two hearts together (happy baby’s) you are so pretty, how to say « i love you… » yes in colors, giants saving little lights feeling love

                                                                je t’aime de tout mon cœur, océan d’amour…


en fa mineur

(mode Locrien)

                      It’s not my fault, not yours, we are victimes, you do your best for me, i do my best for you, grand amour, you give me a great love, time is changing, loves light waves arrives from all the worlds shining worlds, shining peoples i love you…

                   Always i give you millions bisous, dancing for you chanson d’amour when light dreams begin alive, chaque jour me rapproche de toi  i’m waiting for you soon together with the great Light, all i want is to be with you

        Little birds jumping planete Amour world’s stars dreams, for you, for me, moving minds, playing a world’s words trip, lights reflections, impatience de te revoir, go somewhere with (love) in a shining colors world to say « i love you » be for always

                                            i will come back for you

                                  J’ai faim, j’ai faim, je crève de faim je crève d’amour grand cri du ciel

                    light revival is arriving everything is changing world begins to be better, peoples in light, love is successful, j’aurais dû la suivre, écouter son cœur, écouter son regard, feeling the love waves, you always always together pour toujours

                                                       Comment lui dire ?

                        … je n’ai pas d’argent, i work, i work (i work) everybody use my works, ideas or thinking they don’t pay me… so difficult situation, they don’t respect our love, where are you now ?

                     bisou de lumière, sunrise is arriving, je l’attends, together again, i stay alive only for you, always chance will come (love) fortunes too, life is beautiful larmes de pluie soon together in better…

                                           This letter to say i love you

              … j’ai blessé celle que j’aime le plus au Monde, le monde entier s’est effondré, partout s’allument des petites lumières, la chance est revenue

                                                The love Light is still there

                  I am so happy to see you me too you give me a great love, always you are there to save me, trying to save me, the situation is so difficult, always i believe in you chance will come soon my love will come back, soon love will be shining again all around the world peoples in love, world is beautiful

                    Grand amour toujours, i am waiting for you, moving day (moving light) j’aime la nuit regarder les étoiles, one day the world…


 en La mineur


                   J’ai pleuré toute la nuit toute la journée larmes de cœur, larmes du jour, j’aimerais tellement être avec toi te faire plein de bisous elle est là toujours à chaque seconde all this happiness in my heart love’s light streams writing for the world…

           Beautiful flowers in the trees, my love is there coming from far away me dire son amour, avec elle sous les étoiles everywhere in the world, all the beauties, word’s friends, seven milliards together  flowers  love light dreams, the lights in everyone light in everybody trying to be successful in the same time, learning to be together

                    Always i continue to think, to write in my mind, discovering other ways, light ways, i hear beautiful musics love songs shining in my dreams, i hope my millions, my milliards will arrive soon, my freedom too…

                 Worlds, peoples are going to freedom, happiness, prosperity parole d’amour loves flying angels, love shining worlds, always together flying in shining clouds, always l’amour toujours

                                                             moon is beautiful

           Time is running fast i can’t wait suffering is too much, hear the rain flocons de neige all the sky is in light bisou d’amour love chance dreams is going on, big love from all the world toujours dans mes rêves son regard sur mon cœur tu t’es endormie… j’ai pleuré, pleuré, pleuré pendant des jours, des années, j’ai pleuré pleuré des larmes à chaque seconde avec elle toujours en mon cœur always still alive the love light, together again together

                                       ...  l’attente de Lune (& de l’autre)
                                          all i want is to be with you

                  J’ai entendu l’appel (de son cœur) the hopes from my world’s beauties, je suis venu plein d’amour, d’espoir, d’humanité, il pleut des millions, des milliards, de quoi réaliser toutes mes projectives (& bien d’autres encore) je suis reparti les yeux plein de larmes, immense chagrin, toujours cette petite lumière qui brille en mon cœur brille avec elle soon together millions peoples will come from all the world to deliver us, the love Light will save my life, save your life, chance will come (always i love you) always for ever

                                                     ... elle est la plus belle de toutes les étoiles

                      Il pleut averse, des nuages d’or éclairent tout le ciel… you are my love always, you give me the most beautiful moments in my life all the best is possible, i continue to write in my mind toujours immense amour my life’s family…

            sans toi je ne sais pas ce que je vais devenir, un cri du cœur lumière d’amour sous la pluie je me suis endormi...

                             Just a little light in a big City love gold streams all around the worlds i love you



 en free Tempo


                 « Maximize your profits ! ... you can win max money… let us show you how it’s easyspy Shining man since so long time millions millions (milliards) so easy world (easy money ! )»

                … after i left my phone on the table in which one i had previously recorded (his famous) « Worldwide Hit ! »

                                                             « Bye bye bye bye bye byebyee ...
                                                                   baba... by babye... bybye
                                                                       bababa byeee... »

                                                 She said to me « Tu es un mec génial... »

                                                                 To Princess Joy

                                                ça mouille la pluie...

                                          ... ça mouille la pluie ?


Magic Love (Do your best ) les Manuscrits Originaux   (e-book)

Série : Do your Best (Movie Trilogy Part 02) / volume 2

ASIN : B00VPNVSG / 2.99 $ / Date Publication : 6 April 2015 / English
Publisher : Golden Spring’s Consulting

Categories : Art / Individual Artists / Artist’s book // Comic & Graphics Novels / Romance
Search Keywords : love story, original screenplay manuscripts, artistic writings, movie creation


The beautiful original manuscripts of the movie trilogy " Do Your Best !" as a scene in each page with extraordinary emotions, sentiments and magic love for this beautiful love story so great in the life of each day...

The first movie of this trilogy is " Stacey les avions" written by the author when he was drawing " Be for always " (so majestuous master peace), the third movie is " A Part of my life " always love stories with an extraordinary feeling in so difficult situations making born so many hopes in a funny flying...

(Site Partners Amazon / Kindle)


07 milliards loves light ways for easy world’s !  

ISBN 13 : 978-1508913597 / ISBN 10 : 1508913595 / Série : World Projective Project° Volume 2

BISAC : Body, mind & Spirit / Prophecy
TITLE ID : 5378179 / DATE PUBLICATION 18 Mars 2015

130 pages / (12.7 x 20.3 cm / 5” x 8”) french (American-English ) Country of publication : France
Price 15 $ / Large Print / Paper Book (Version Kindle Digital for free)

Search Keywords : love dreams, arts visionary, philosophy business, love movie


Un essai prodigieux de la Trilogie du « World’s Projective Project° »… d’une extraordinaire créativité, brain storming des plus stimulants… 

 Love… mouvements d’évolution, de la prescience, des révélations sur le futur qui se sont révélées exactes, visionnaire d’avenir, capable de sentir le temps… shining ways for fortuneslove  dreams, grands rêves de lumières… Temps, espaces, babies, création, love, memories, révolte for freedom, a free world… qui peut décider de quoi ?
                                                  Why ? 

       Rédigé en « esquisses », très rapidement, les idées vont très vite, à une vitesse fulgurante, une écriture dynamique, sensorielle, in french, American-English, pour donner plus d’effets encore aux mouvements des pensées, des émotions, expressions des feelings… l’ouvrage nous emporte ensuite en apothéose dans une dimension artistique des plus virtuoses loves in worlds…

                 Author : Emmanuel DIGNAT

                                   So funny french artiste !

           "Until this time she is still waiting for me !" (say today the artist still waiting for to leave the french territory)

                     (Sometimes les jolies Chéries call him "Mimi Lion's !")
                                    " What are you waiting for ? "

              L’auteur, so french artiste, musicien virtuose, musicien des mots aussi probablement l’un des écrivains les plus émouvants de notre époque...
                     (l’Académie française)

     Emmanuel DIGNAT (as Mimi Lion’s) is author of Best Sellers, screenplays & musical Comedies " Orphée " (avec la jolie Sandy), "Planète Joy !" always some majestuous (majestic) love stories as " Ange & Mélissa ", " Magic love" or " Sool & Cool " and again now is creating " Kilimandjaro " with so many beautiful love Songs as a famous musician composer too ! (and good lover !)

                    The Artiste Blog is
                                                            (to enjoy life !) Dignat (South Africa)
14 Ouvrages


07 milliards loves light ways for easy World’s      (e-book)

Série : World's Projective Project° / Volume 2

ASIN : B00UZTMIW4 /  4.99 $ / Date Publication : 21 March 2015 / french
Publisher : Golden Spring’s Consulting

Categories : Body, mind & spirit / Prophecy
Search keywords : love dreams, arts visionary, philosophy business, love movie


Be for Always (always for ever)  (à l'encre de mon sang)

ASIN : B00VOGPV80 / 2.99 $ / Date Publication : 5 April 2015 / English
Publisher : Golden Spring’s Consulting

Categories : Art / Individual Artists / Artist’s book // Comic & Graphics Novels / Romance
Search keywords : love story draws, artist book, new style painting, draws for freedom, African women


So beautiful Art Book showing extraordinary artistic draws " with the ink of my blood "...

The Artist, a great french musician writer was victim of a politic crime in France when he did this little draws as a beautiful love story "dreaming to escape" while he was imprisoned in a Psy Center near Paris, dying under poison after wrote his last thinking " flying ideas " (included a Sociology Thesis) and giving all this love master peaces to the beautiful women of Africa day after day as his last words for the world...

We can see an extraordinary talent as a new original style with the influence of great painters as Picasso, Chagall or Matisse...

      "Until this time she is still waiting for me !" (say today the artist still waiting for to leave the french territory)

                                (Sometimes les jolies Chéries call him "Mimi Lion's !")

                                            " What are you waiting for ? "

                                                   © Emmanuel DIGNAT 2015 (Princess Joy avec ses jolies Chéries… « elles sont Géniales ! »)

Liens Web des activités, œuvres, consultings, business

Emmanuel DIGNAT                             
Golden Spring’s Consulting
Projectives & Stratégies Culturelles Internationales
Consulting, Creation & Publishing

Blog Pro
Golden Spring’s Consulting

You Sea (notes) Blog

2 albums en maquette numériques (Composed and produced by Emmanuel DIGNAT)
Comédie musicale « Orphée & Sandy » / « Sandra »

Son ancienne Société de production « Shining Dreamers Companies » en 2011

La page Google + de sa société « Golden Spring’s Consulting»  (en cours d’enregistrement)

                      © Emmanuel DIGNAT 2015 (Princess Joy avec ses jolies Chéries… « elles sont Géniales ! »)

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